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Search Results: AC

  • Cover of Punishment Without Crime

    Punishment Without Crime

    S. Andhil Fineberg

    Fineberg was a pioneer in Jewish community relations and at developing techniques for combating anti-Semitism and was known among professional colleagues as ‘The Dean of Jewish Community Relations.’

  • Cover of Song From the Earth

    Song From the Earth

    Jamake Highwater

    Both an insider and an outsider, Highwater enjoyed what he considered to be a distinctive Native American sensibility that expected individuals to be transformed rather than retain a fixed identity.

  • Cover of Cry, the Beloved Country

    Cry, the Beloved Country

    Alan Paton

    When his first novel, “Cry, the Beloved Country,” was published in 1948, the reviews hailed it as ‘beautiful and profoundly moving […] steeped in sadness and grief but radiant with hope and compassion.’

  • Cover of Maasai


    Carol Beckwith

    This is not so much a book as it is an experience, aided by its “over-sized” coffee table format book that gives you the feeling of “stepping” into the beautiful Kenyan landscape.

  • Cover of The Other Room

    The Other Room

    Worth Tuttle Hedden

    It is one of the best—and earliest—views of breaking the color line as well as a touching love story of a man and woman of different races.

  • Cover of The Indians of the Americas

    The Indians of the Americas

    John Collier

    While Collier notes the role of epidemics, his view is that the Indian populations were decimated by the destruction of the native cultures, and by forced labor under extreme hardship conditions.

  • Cover of Latin Americans in Texas

    Latin Americans in Texas

    Pauline R. Kibbe

    Kibbe called for a constitutional amendment prohibiting segregation and discrimination, the institutionalization of the GNC as a permanent state agency, the abolition of the poll tax, and the reapportionment of school funds. Everett Ross Clinchy, Jr., called the book ‘angry.’

  • Cover of East River

    East River

    Sholem Asch

    By writing in the language of all Jews about everyday Jewish life, Sholem Asch, along with other pioneers of Yiddish literature, sought to preserve a sense of culture and community among his kinsmen despite their dispersal throughout the world and lack of a common homeland.

  • Cover of One Nation

    One Nation

    Wallace Stegner with the Editors of Look

    A decade before the wider white society had begun to think seriously about race relations, Stegner’s work targeted racial prejudice as one of the country’s most profound ills.

  • Cover of An American Dilemma

    An American Dilemma

    Gunnar Myrdal

    In addition to framing and amplifying the debate over America’s racial hypocrisy, Myrdal investigated poverty in Asia, served on an international war crimes tribunal following Vietnam, and along with his wife, Alva, helped shape the modern Swedish state.

  • Cover of Earth and High Heaven

    Earth and High Heaven

    Gwethalyn Graham

    With rare perceptiveness, Gwethalyn Graham takes the reader into the lives of Erica Drake and Marc Reiser, whose two worlds are separated by families and conventions. Here is the story of a man and woman who dared earth and high heaven to make their vision real.

  • Cover of The World of Sholom Aleichem

    The World of Sholom Aleichem

    Maurice Samuel

    Life and religion were indivisible for the Kasrielevkites; they did not think of religion as something tagged on to life, something separate, detachable and optional.

  • Cover of New World A-Coming

    New World A-Coming

    Roi Ottley

    He parlayed [the success of “New World A-Coming”] into a military commission and a prolonged stint as a war correspondent publishing regularly with the labor newspaper PM as well as the Pittsburgh Courier.

  • Cover of The Haitian People

    The Haitian People

    James G. Leyburn

    The central thesis of the book is that Haitian society is divided into two segments, the yeomanry and the elite, and that the national institutional structure has not allowed any alteration in that division in the course of Haiti’s history as a sovereign nation.

  • Cover of Quest


    Leopold Infeld

    In 1950 he left Canada and returned to communist Poland. He felt he had an obligation to help the science in Poland recover from the ravages of the Second World War.

  • Cover of From Many Lands

    From Many Lands

    Louis Adamic

    ‘No more school for me. I was going to America,’ Adamic wrote. ‘I did not know how, but I knew that I would go.’

  • Cover of The Negro Family in the United States

    The Negro Family in the United States

    E. Franklin Frazier

    Frazier discussed all the themes that have concerned subsequent students of the African American family, including matriarchy and patriarchy, the impact of slavery on family solidarity and personal identity, the impact of long-term poverty and lack of access to education, migration and rootlessness, and the relationship between family and community.

  • Cover of The Ecology of Human Development

    The Ecology of Human Development

    Urie Bronfenbrenner

    The effect is a perspective on the field of human development that is exciting in its possibilities [….] It conveys masterfully the mystery and excitement of scientific investigation.

  • Cover of We Europeans

    We Europeans

    Julian Huxley

    To counter the rise of Nazism and its racist ideologies, scientists critical of the use of race to justify oppression and discrimination published a number of important works. “We Europeans: A Survey of “Racial” Problems” by Huxley and Haddon, sought to show that science offered a very limited definition of race.

  • Cover of Negro Politicians

    Negro Politicians

    Harold F. Gosnell

    By the time of his death in 1997 Gosnell was widely considered to have made quantitative analysis mainstream in political science.